
First, log in to the console. Then, navigate to Oblivus Cloud -> Deploy from the list of options on the left-hand side. After following these steps, you will be able to see all the features necessary for deploying an instance in the opened window.

Deploying a virtual machine

After choosing the location and platform type (Virtual Servers), you will be presented with options suitable for the chosen location and instance type.

Once you have selected the GPU type, you can choose the flavor based on your needs.

After completing all of these steps, it's time to select your operating system. Choose the most suitable operating system for your use case to be installed on your virtual machine. Just as there are commonly used operating systems and their different versions, you can also opt for OblivusAI.

OblivusAI is an operating system designed by our team for individuals, researchers, and companies in the field of artificial intelligence. It includes various popular AI tools and libraries.

Afterward, you can configure your storage preferences. Depending on the operating system you have selected, the system will allocate a minimum disk space for you. For more detailed information about storage types and additional storage, please refer to Storage Types andNetwork Disks.

After that, simply click the Deploy button and provide a name for your virtual machine, along with a password or an SSH public key for connection. Once you have filled in the required fields, click the Continue button. The system will redirect you to the My Instances page within 5 seconds. Now, you can enjoy using your virtual machine.

Additional information about deploying an instance

  • There is an 'Advanced Options' section in the Details screen where you can specify the commands to be executed during the initialization of your instance. For more detailed information, please refer to this section.

Last updated